박인조 사진
산업 및 조직심리학


박사 – 한림대학교, 조직 심리학 및 방법론
박사과정 수학 – The Ohio State University, 인적자원개발학
석사 – 서울대학교, 성격 심리학
학사 – 경상국립대학교, 심리학


<직장 및 학술 직책>

(현) 전북대학교 심리학과, 산업 및 조직 심리학 부교수
(현) Frontiers in Psychology, 조직 심리학 섹션 부편집장
(현) Personnel Review, 편집위원
(현) Career Development International, 편집위원
(현) Journal of Career Assessment, 편집위원
(현) Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 편집위원
(전) 허난성 교육부, 허난성 석좌교수(Distinguished Professor)
(전) 허난대학교 심리학과, 산업 및 조직 심리학 교수
(전) 고려대학교 경영학과, 연구교수
(전) 연세대학교 심리학과, BK21플러스 박사후연구원
(전) University of Connecticut CESPA 연구소, 연구원
(전) LG전자 인적자원개발 부서, 대리
(전) 강원대학교, 광운대학교, 경상국립대학교, 연세대학교, 중앙대학교, 한림대학교 등, 시간강사
(전) 부일여객, 버스 정비사

<저널 논문 심사활동>

Journal of Business and Psychology
Journal of Managerial Psychology
Journal of Vocational Behavior
Personnel Review
Journal of Career Assessment
Journal of Career Development
Career Development International
International Journal of Educational and Vocational Guidance
The International Journal of Human Resource Management
Chinese Management Studies
Baltic Journal of Management
International Journal of Manpower
The Journal of Creative Behavior
Psychological Reports
Basic and Applied Social Psychology
Current Psychology
Journal of Individual Differences
Frontiers in Psychology
Tourism Management
International Journal of Hospitality Management
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
한국심리학회지: 사회문제 및 문화
한국심리학회지: 발달 심리학
한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격
중소기업 연구

<수상 경력>

2023 우수 과학기술 논문 2등상, 허난성 교육부
2022 우수 과학기술 논문 1등상, 허난성 교육부
2020 허난성 석좌교수, 허난성 교육부
2016 한국 갤럽 우수 논문상, 한국 갤럽
2015 한국 산업 및 조직 심리학회 최우수 포스터, 한국 산업 및 조직 심리학회
2005 Hendrickson Scholarship, The Ohio State University
1997 허영중 단과대학 최우수 성적 장학금, 경상국립대학교

<연구 분야>

*아래 연구 주제로 박사학위 취득 후에 한국, 영국, 중국 등에서 교수가 되길 원하는 학부생들은
연락주세요. 학부 인턴 학생 모집합니다.

Employee Creativity
Career Decision and Development
Competency Modeling
Selection and Assessment
Learning and Training for Employees
Employee Voice Behavior
Employees’ Service Behavior
Biological Approaches to Organizational Behaviors,
Occupational Health
Meaning of Work among Older
Affective Variability (i.e., Affect Spin)
Behavioral Variability (i.e., Interpersonal Spin)
Working with Robot, etc.

<연구 논문>

* 박인조(Park, I. J.)가 교신저자임을 나타냄.

Hai, S., & Park, I. J.* (2024). Do it yourself, but I can help you at any time: The dynamic effects of job autonomy and supervisor competence on performance. Asian Business & Management.

Park, I. J. Choi, J. N., Myung, H., & Hai, S. (2024). Daily Idea Generation and Employee Creative Performance: Effect of Day-level Congruence between Felt Responsibility for Change and Willingness to Take Risks, Journal of Business and Psychology, 1-18.

Hai, S., & Park, I. J.* (2024). How can promote hotel employees’ performances? Relative importance of high-performance HR practices and the moderating role of empowering leadership, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 119, 1-11.

Park, I. J., & Hai, S. (2024). Person-organization fit, person-job fit and organizational commitment among hotel employees: the roles of positive affect and calling. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 36(3), 852-872.

Hai, S., & Park, I. J.* (2024). How and when does the career future time perspective motivate service performance? The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 35(6), 1193-1224.

Hai, S., & Park, I. J.* (2024). Linking the Perceived Strength Supports Both from Organization and Supervisor to Performances: The Roles of Strengths-Based Climate and Meaningful Task. Journal of Career Assessment, 32(1), 102-124.

Hai, S., & Park, I. J.* (2023). How do employees’ strengths use for tasks and strength use for relationships interact to influence their job performance? Chinese Management Studies, https://doi.org/10.1108/CMS-03-2023-0104.

Park, I. J., Kim, P. B., Kim, M., & Zhou, B. (2023). Don't be behaviorally shaken to feel less fatigue among frontline employees. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 56, 106-114.

Park, I. J.*, Hai, S., & Kim, P. B. (2023). How capricious supervisors affect hospitality employees’ service performance? A Diary Study from Employees’ Emotional Perspective, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 47(8), 1371-1398.

Park, I. J., Shim, S., Hai, S., Kim, T., & Kwon, S. (2022) Cool Down Emotion, Don’t Be Fickle! The role of paradoxical leadership in the relationship between emotional stability and creativity. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 33(4), 2856-2886.

Park, I. J., Kim, J, Hhang, J., Kim S. S., & Zhao, V. (2022). How more options decrease the compromise effect: Investigating boundary conditions for the compromise effect in travel decisions. Journal of Travel Research, 61(7), 1542-1558.

Park, I. J., Choi, J. N., & Wu, K. (2022). Affect stability and employee creativity: the roles of work-related positive affect and knowledge sharing. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 31(3), 331-340.

Hai, S. & Park, I. J.* (2022). Strengths use for tasks and relationships in organizations: Development and validation of a strength use scale. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 659046.

Park, I. J.*, Yun, D., Kim, P. B., & Hai, S. (2021). How to fuel hotel employees’ daily innovative work? The interplay of daily affect, supervisor creativity support, and career future time perspective driving daily innovative service behavior. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 30(6), 759-783.

Park, I. J., Kim, J., Kim, S. S., Lee, J. C., & Giroux, M. (2021). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on travelers’ preference for crowded versus non-crowded options. Tourism Management, 87, 104398.

Park, I. J.*, Kim, P. B., Hai, S., & Zhou, S. (2021) What matters for employees’ daily interpersonal behaviors? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(4), 1210-1229

Park, I. J. & Hai, S. (2021). How does career future time perspective moderate in the relationship between infection anxiety with the COVID-19 and service behavior among hotel employees?
Tourism Management Perspectives, 39, 100846.

Park, I. J.*, Zhu, D., Doan, T., & Kim, P. B., (2021) Stay away from fickle supervisor! Supervisors’ behavioral fluctuation diminishing the effect of job embeddedness on employees’ service behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 95, 102893.

Park, I. J.*, Doan, T., Zhu, D., & Kim, P. B., (2021) How do empowered employees engage in voice behaviors? A moderated mediation model based on work-related flow and supervisors’ emotional expression spin. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 95, 102878.

Park, I. J., Kim, P. B., Jung, H., Yun, D., & Hai, S. (2021). A diary study of work consequences for hotel employees victimized by supervisor from a demand-resource perspective on employee emotions. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 92, 102714.

Park, I. J., Hai, S., Akkermans, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2021). Positive Affect and Career Decision Making: The Moderating Role of Interpersonal Spin. The Career Development Quarterly, 69, 49-61.

Park, I. J.*, Han, K., & Ryu, K. (2021). Development and Validation of a Career Future Time Perspective Scale. Journal of Career Development, 48(5), 701-714.

Hai, S. & Park, I. J.* (2021). The accelerating effect of intrinsic motivation and trust toward supervisor on helping behavior based on the curvilinear model among hotel frontline employees in China. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 47, 12-21.

Park, I. J.*, Kim, P. B., Hai, S., & Dong, L. (2020). Relax from job, Don't feel stress! The detrimental effects of job stress and buffering effects of coworker trust on burnout and turnover intention. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, 559-568.

Zhu, D., Kim, P. B., Milne, S., & Park, I. J. (2020). A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents of Career Commitment. Journal of Career Assessment, 29(3), 502-524.

Hai, S., Wu, K., Park, I. J.*, Li, Y., Chang, Q., & Tang, Y. (2020). The role of perceived high-performance HR practices and transformational leadership on employee engagement and citizenship behaviors. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 35(6), 513-526.

Park, I. J.*, Rie, J., Kim, H. S., & Park, J. (2020). Effects of a future time perspective–based career intervention on career decisions. Journal of Career Development, 47(1), 96-110.

Huh, J. R., Park, I. J., Sunwoo, Y., Choi, H. J., & Bhang, K. J. (2020). Augmented Reality (AR)-Based Intervention to Enhance Awareness of Fine Dust in Sustainable Environments. Sustainability, 12(23), 9874.

Park, I. J.*, Gu, M., & Hai, S. (2020). How Can Personality Enhance Sustainable Career Management? The Mediation Effects of Future Time Perspective in Career Decisions. Sustainability, 12(3), 1167.

Park, I. J., Lee, J., Kim, M., Kim, J. Y., & Jahng, S. (2019). Affect in Daily Career Decision Self‐Efficacy and Career Choice Anxiety. The Career Development Quarterly, 67(4), 313-326.

Park, I. J., Hai, S., Lee, S., & Sohn, Y. (2019). Investigating psychometrics of career decision ambiguity tolerance scale. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2067.

Lee, S. M., Kim, Y. A., Park, I. J., & Sohn, Y. W. (2018). The effects of anxiety on attention problems and rule-breaking behavior: The moderating effect of work adjustment in the workplace. Current Psychology, 37(3), 602-611.

Oo, E. Y., Jung, H., & Park, I. J. (2018). Psychological factors linking perceived CSR to OCB: The role of organizational pride, collectivism, and person–organization fit. Sustainability, 10(7), 2481.

Lee, J., Sohn, Y. W., Kim, M., Kwon, S., & Park, I. J.* (2018). Relative importance of human resource practices on affective commitment and turnover intention in South Korea and United States. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 669.

Park, I. J., Kim, M., Kwon, S., & Lee, H. G. (2018). The relationships of self-esteem, future time perspective, positive affect, social support, and career decision: A longitudinal multilevel study. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 514.

Sohn, B. K., Park, S. M., Park, I. J., Hwang, J. Y., Choi, J. S., Lee, J. Y., & Jung, H. Y. (2018). The relationship between emotional labor and job stress among hospital workers. Journal of Korean Medical Science, 33(39).

Lee, S., Kwon, S., Shin, S. J., Kim, M., & Park, I. J. (2018). How team-level and individual-level conflict influences team commitment: A multilevel investigation. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2365.

Kim, H. S., & Park, I. J.* (2017). Influence of proactive personality on career self‐efficacy. Journal of Employment Counseling, 54(4), 168-182.

김지연, 이재윤, 권성우, 심연, 박인조*. (2017). 직장에서 부하직원의 상사에 대한 분노 표현: 한국과 미국의 비교 연구, 중소기업연구, 39(4), 41-54.

유치성, 박인조, 손영우 (2016). 군 간부들의 학습된 무력감, 우울, 조직몰입 및 직무열의의 관계: 우울의 매개효과 및 소명감의 조절효과를 중심으로, 한국심리학회지: 사회문제 및 문화, 22(3), 431-453.

유치성, 손영우, 박인조* (2016). 자아탄력성, 감정경험, 삶의 의미 및 직무만족의 관계: 변혁적 리더십의 조절효과, 한국심리학회지: 산업 및 조직, 29(2), 175-201.

임정인, 이수란, 신재현, 박인조, 손영우 (2016). 군 장병의 역할구별, 응집력, 생활관 만족 및 지각된 분대수행의 관계. 한국심리학회지: 산업 및 조직, 29(1), 1-25.

Park, I. J., Jung, D. C., Hwang, S. S. H., Jung, H. Y., Yoon, J. S., Kim, C. E., ... & Kim, Y. S. (2016). The longitudinal trends in the relationship between drug-induced extrapyramidal symptoms and personal and social performance in a population of the patients with schizophrenia: A latent growth model. Psychiatry Research, 238, 33-39.

Park, I. J., Jung, D. C., Hwang, S. S., Jung, H. Y., Yoon, J. S., Kim, C. E., Ahn, Y. M, & Kim, Y. S. (2016). Longitudinal relationship between Personal and Social Performance (PSP) and anxiety symptoms in schizophrenia, Journal of Affective Disorders, 190, 12-18.

Park, I. J (2015). The role of affect spin in the relationship of proactive personality, career indecision, and career maturity. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:1754.

Park, I. J., & Jung, H. (2015). Relationships among future time perspective, career and organizational commitment, occupational self-efficacy, and turnover intention. Social Behavior and Personality, 43(9), 1547-1562.

Jung, H., Park, I. J.*, & Rie, J. (2015). Future time perspective and career decisions: The moderating effects of affect spin. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 89, 46-55.

Park, I. J., Jung, D. C., Hwang, S. S. H., Jung, H. Y., Yoon, J. S., Kim, C. E., ... & Kim, Y. S. (2015). Refinement of the SWN-20 based on the Rasch rating model. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 60, 134-141.

박인조 이주일 (2015). 경력 미래시간 조망, 직무 태도, 및 경력 개발 활동의 관계, 한국심리학회지: 산업 및 조직, 28(3), 355-380.

박인조 이주일 (2015). 활동적 노인의 성격, 직무동기, 및 직무만족 사이의 관계, 한국심리학회지: 사회문제 및 문화, 21(3), 395-417.

박인조 양병화 김성원 공윤영(2015). 군장병의 자아탄력성과 정서지능이 경력 의사결정 자기효능감에 미치는 영향, 한국 청소년 학회지, 22(5), 435-459.

박인조, 이주일(2014). 무엇이 장노년의 경력 성공에 영향을 미치고 받는가? 시간적 관점에서 조명. 한국심리학회지: 산업 및 조직, 27(1), 83-105.

Park, I. J.*, & Rie, J. I. (2014). Haptic perception of rod length when exploration is self-determined, other-determined, and self-other co-determined. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 119(2), 564-575.

박인조, 이주일(2013). 햅틱(haptic) 지각 연구 동향과 조직 및 소비자 심리학 영역으로의 응용: 만지고 접촉하는 것은 조직 및 소비 행동에 어떤 영향을 미치는가? 한국심리학회지: 산업 및 조직, 26(2), 245-269.

박인조, 민경환 (2005). 한국어 감정단어의 목록 작성과 차원 탐색. 한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격, 19(1), 109-129.